如果一枚核彈發射左(例如SS-18,民兵) 咁有冇方法可以阻止的呢? 如果以激光武器或者擊落佢,會唔會引起核裂變而爆炸呢?
咁有冇方法可以阻止的呢? 答:有好多好--激光--反彈道飛彈--tmd等等 如果以激光武器或者擊落佢,會唔會引起核裂變而爆炸呢? 答:lee個問題有d難,因為隋住核彈system發展,有多個結果,看system定 1)核彈射左之後有d system係設定左,1射之後一受攻擊就即爆. 2)核彈射左之後有d system係設定左,去到目標洛點先爆 3)去到某個高度之後先會爆 4)在行程中可以由指揮所按制引爆 因此要看system設致而定
Ok, firstly, it depends on whether the laser gets contact with the nuclear elements inside the nuclear bomb. I am not an expert of military. But one thing i know that is if laser is contacted with nuclear elements in nuclear bomb, then a chemical reaction is porgressing. The laser will supply energy and boosts up the chain reaction. It is called nuclear fission, as usual, the whole thing will explode -.- so if laser is used, it has to be ensured that the concentrated beam does not heat the nuclear elements, or it will cause damage.|||||仲有一種方法MAD(相互摧毀保證Multiple Assurance of Total Distruction),衹要雙方都擁有;及唔知邊一方一定嬴, 就唔會用. 算阻止度啦!|||||不能。因为1但核彈發射左。被碰到。就会包,核彈是核能武器。发放福射。福射是达到10的7次方度=1千万.C|||||所有的核子武器要到達目的地先會將核物質釋放,在到達之前,係可以用導彈將佢擊落,但係通常唔會係民居上進行,因為核子武器被擊落後趺係地下會造成其他危險