
意大利文[ r ] 顫音點先可以讀到呀?


我自己買左d書學意大利文, 但當佢講到其中有音 " r "係顫音的,我就唔識點發個音. 我條舌頭好硬,本書話張個舌頭倦向上點住上牙齦(上惡)咁出氣就得,但我真係做唔到喎. 請問有冇人知道應該用咩方法先發到果個音呀? 如果讀唔到個r音,係咪學唔到意大利文呀? 更新: 我本書有VCD的,不過就冇畫面睇,但我唔知d意大利dvd係邊度有得買?


單獨而又唔響一個字o既開端o既r, 用語音學o既詞匯o黎講叫做一個「閃音」, 英語為tap / flap,係用舌尖拍打上齒齦或者上齒背一下 而響字開端o既 r 或者雙r (即 rr) 所代表的是一個顫音, 英語為 "trill",亦正係好多人所講o既震音, 發音方法其實同閃音一樣, 唯一唔同o既就係顫音要連續拍打幾次但係閃音只係一次 要學識呢個音, 首先要識得點樣令你o既發音器官處於一個放鬆狀態, 同埋你要識得控制氣流o既強弱, 因為其實舌頭響呢個音入面o既角色係被動, 所以好多人學習呢個音o既時候以為好大力咁樣吹氣就會令舌尖自然顫動, 其實係大錯特錯,你要做o既係放鬆, 然係等氣流駕馭舌頭o既重量令佢顫動 本書叫你將舌頭卷向上,掂住上牙齦咁出氣, 其實都已經講得幾好,不過要加埋放鬆舌頭 建議係首先以唔震動聲帶o既狀態o黎練習, 咁樣會易上手多o的 我自己本身都係學緊意大利文, 都知呢個r好蝦人讀,尤其是亞洲人, 因為我地0既語言裏面本身無呢個音, 唯有自己聽多d、練多d,別無他法... 讀唔到個r音又唔會學唔到意大利文0既, 你捲下舌頭人地都明你發緊邊個音,講緊邊個字。 而且其他發音都好容易,一兩個音唔駛太執著0既 我反而覺得grammar比較麻煩呢


does your book have a cd? to learn the pronunciation of a language, it is not enough reading it on a book what is said in the book is right but doing it is much more difficult than understand it the of "R" is especially difficult because chinese hasn't this sound the most of chinese can't pronounce it even italian guys, some of them can't pronounce this sound so don't worry too much you can insist but don't be desperate if at the end you won't be able to say the "R" the most important thing of learning a language is being able to communicate spend your time to enrich the vocabulary, speak more if possible, watching italian dvd with subtitle is a very good practise for listening and comprehension good luck





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