(英文一問) 個客E-MAIL問, 比公司個直線佢,但要用英文回覆,又唔想只直接講個電話好似好簡單咁... 咁可以加D咩呢? 想知正純既係點回... 另有冇邊D英文書信書介紹下寫商業E-MAIL?
Dear *his/her name*, With reference to your e-mail dated 31 August, I would like to inform you that our direct number is xxxx-xxxx. Should you have any other queries, please feel free to contact us again. Thank you. Best Regards, *Your name* 2011-09-01 13:05:15 補充: .
Date: xxx TO: xxxx Dear xxxx Reference to your email of 日期, please kindly note our direct telephone number as following xxxxxxxx 電話 Thanks for your kind attention to this matter and look forward to your usual support. Best regards, xxxxxx I would recommend that you try to borrow from the library " write better speak better" or buy this and keep it as reference whenever you write something.|||||Dear xxxx, Thank you for your e-mail requesting our direct telephone line. I am pleased to provide you with the phone number below. tel. XXXXXXXX Should you have any further questions, please contact me again.' XXXXXX This book is a good reference for you 圖片參考:http://imgcld.yimg.com/8/n/HA06432683/o/701108310139113873452120.jpg I find it handy. It has 276 pages and costs HK$120. One good feature is that it has lots of exercises for practice.|||||Dear sir, Referring to your e-mail of ddmmyy, please note that our telephone no. is xxxxxxx. YYYYYY wwwww company