有關Digital Phone(2)既英文,英翻中,多謝。
特殊名詞可不翻譯,切勿用翻譯軟體直接翻譯。If your complaint concerns interstate or international calling, write the FCC at Consumer Complaints, 455 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554 or at fccinfo@fcc.gov, or call (888) 225-5322 or TTY (888) 835-5322.Note: the CPUC handles complaints of both interstate and intrastate unauthorized... 顯示更多 特殊名詞可不翻譯,切勿用翻譯軟體直接翻譯。 If your complaint concerns interstate or international calling, write the FCC at Consumer Complaints, 455 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554 or at fccinfo@fcc.gov, or call (888) 225-5322 or TTY (888) 835-5322. Note: the CPUC handles complaints of both interstate and intrastate unauthorized carrier charges ("slamming"). The Califonia consumer protection rules are available online at www.cpuc.ca.gov.
如果你的投訴是有關於州際或國際電話,請寫信給”FCC消費者投訴中心”,地址是:Consumer Complaints455 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554 或寄e-mail 到fccinfo@fcc.gov或打電話 (888) 225-5322 or TTY (888) 835-5322. CPUC( 加州公共事業委員會California Public Utilities Commission)處理有關“非法轉移消費者的電話公司”(slaming)投訴,包括州際和國際電話。加州消費者保護條文可在網站www.cpuc.ca.gov上找到。 “Slamming” is the illegal practice of switching a consumer's traditional wireline telephone company for local, local toll, or long distance service without permission. The slamming rules also prohibit unreasonable delays in the execution of an authorized switch by your local telephone company.